Reviews of Album/CD
Seriously Unserious
Well having now listened to it several times, I like it, I like your music its fun and filled with life...."Beautiful Day" is wonderful and the highlight. I also like the nostalgia of "K Street." Your songs so clearly come from your life and experiences, and as some mirror mine, I really enjoy the experience of them. "Five Feet of Nitro" is fun, and "Psycho Girls" scary ( I have been there man). Overall my honest appraisal: I loved it. ...this is a very good product. makes me want to buy more of your stuff and wondering when your next CD will be out! JO |
"Beautiful Day": There’s a lot I really like about this song. "Long Road Down": What can I say? I love blues. So of course I loved this song. "Five Feet of Nitro": I like it. "K Street": You’re showing your Dylan influence on this one. Nice. "Senorita": You should try a Tuaca margarita instead of tequila. Nice song though. I was wondering when I’d hear your country. ;-) "Psycho Girls": I was afraid to listen to this one; I’ve run into a few myself. It’s twisted .. but in a good way. That was the point though, right? Overall I’d say you have some good songs here!! AKW |
I like this CD. My favorite is "Five Feet of Nitro". SF His voice takes me to a higher place, spiritually. SS "The Ice Cream Man" is pretty tripping, mate. All the best from the UK. MG |
I love your new album. DD "K Street" is a lovely track. Thanks. UW "Beautiful Day" is very nice music by Lawrence Lynn. CG |