Instructions to use BandBox Music Store - lengthy but each step is very simple:
0. To select a different album than the one showing, click on the small picture of the album cover you want that is next to the current album title highlighted in blue. Ex. SERIOUSLY UNSERIOUS is highlighted in blue and to the right you can see small small album covers - click on the one you want to listen to or buy.
1. To hear a 30 second sample of a song, click on the title of the song. To pause the 30 second sample, click on the PAUSE symbol (ll) at the top of the music store. 2. To buy the physical CD or the entire album by digital download or both: click on the "Buy Full Album From $10.00" box below the list of songs. Three pictures will pop up. 3. To buy the Physical CD, click on the CD picture titled "Physical CD" in the box. If you want to buy the digital download of the album, click on "MP3 Digital Download" picture. If you want to buy the Physical CD as well as the entire digital download of the album, click on the picture "MP3 + Physical CD" Digital Download + Physical CD. After you have clicked on the appropriate box, a box will pop up saying: "Album added to your cart. Complete purchase by selecting 'Checkout'". hen click the box that says, "CLOSE". Then skip to number 6. below to complete your purchase. 4. To buy individual songs, click in the box to the left of the title of the song. 5. Page will pop up saying "Track(s) added to your cart." "Complete purchase by selecting 'Checkout' " Click the CLOSE button at bottom. Repeat 5. to buy more individual tracks. 6. When you're ready to complete your purchase, click on "Check Out" 7. Page will come up saying LOG IN (this would only apply if you're already a member or fan on BANDBOX). If you don't have an account yet, click on Create a free one now (This will make you a fan on BANDBOX - it's a free site and there are no obligations.) 8. NEW MEMBER SIGNUP page will come up. Fill out all the data and click on COMPLETE. 9. Click on PROCEED in the page that comes up next. 10. Click on "Proceed to Checkout" on the next page that comes up. 11. Fill out all the data on the BILLING DETAILS page. The site is totally secure and your credit card will show only the last 4 numbers. NOTE: To choose the expiration month on your credit card click on the little blue scroll arrow and then click on the little blue rectangle (directly beside JAN (01)) and drag it down to your date of expiration and then click on your expiration date. Do the same procedure to get your year of expiration. To put the CVS code in, look at the last 3 digits on the back of your credit card and enter those numbers. For your protection, this will not show on the site. 12. Fill out all the "Shipping Details" data and then click on "PROCEED". Then click on PLACE ORDER. 13. Click PROCEED on the next box that pops up saying PURCHASE SUCCESSFUL. 14. Feel free to answer YES or NO on the next question that pops up. Then click "CONTINUE". You will receive an email detailing your order including a small amount for shipping. 15. CDs will be shipped Monday - Saturday within 48 hours of purchase. FOR DOWNLOADING SINGLE SONG PURCHASES ONLY - do 16 - 20 below: 16. Click on the Download button (highlighted in blue) to the right of the song title. 17. A window will pop up for your computer where you can then control where you want to store the song. Do what you usually do with this to set the file where you want the song to be stored in your computer, so you can click on it to play the song on Windows Media Player (or whatever program you use to play your songs). Then click on download. The little blue box will turn sort of orangish-yellow and it will show the progress of your download. The box will turn blue and state COMPLETE once the song is downloaded. 18. Then go to where you downloaded the song in your computer and double click on it to play the song. (It will be listed as Lawrence Lynn-SONG TITLE-ALBUM TITLE.mp3) 19. If there are any issues on getting the song downloaded, go to in your address box to finish the download. 20. You will get a box YOUR PURCHASES. Click on Download Tracks. The song will show up - click on Download. A box should pop up prompting you to Open, Save or Cancel. Click on Save and save it to where you want to save it on your computer. HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SONGS!!! |